Okay, so I have not done anything new this week. I was thinking tonight I would. I have been waiting patiently ALL day for my UPS delivery. It finally arrived at 7:30 tonight. So after organizing all the orders and then putting the girls bed, I sat and mounted my 2 new sets. Frosty and Ornamassortment from the new Holiday mini. But it is now 10:00pm, I am tired and hubby will be home soon from work. So I think I will put off doing anything creative until tomorrow. I did find a couple of interesting things online today though...oh! And I received my OSW swap sheets yesterday. I am not sure off all the ladies that were in my swap group, but once I find out I will post all the sheets for you to see. Here is mine though....

Mine was done with 'Looks Like Spring'. It was done using the Emboss Resist Technique. I then colored the center with YoYo Yellow Pastels. It was fun and considering I did 9 sheets it did'nt take that long ;0) It's nice to get sheets done with sets you don't have too. Although, now there are a few sets I might 'have' to get ;0)
Okay before I leave you for tonight, I just thought I should share a pic of my girls finally. Here is one of our pics from our Summer holiday to BC this year. They are such cuties and all mine ;0)

Sorry that this pic is turned. I isn't sideways on my puter, just on here. Good night all...