What do you get when you add one 15 week old Beagle and a 1 1/2" piece of glass? A 2hr trip to the Animal Hospital, one tired puppy and mommy and a vet bill for $460!! Not the way I wanted to start the summer. :0( You don't really realize how much garbage is lying around until you have a puppy that eats EVERYTHING in site!!
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
{ Welcome Summer }
And what a welcome it has been. We have had a few thunderstorms and some real downpours!! Hopefully some nice warm weather will be in our near future though. I think today is suppose to be a nice one anyway and a good thing too. The girls have their end of year Pancake breakfast today at school. Although, they will be fighting off the mosquitoes!!
Here is the other project I promised...

Granted this is not just paper crafting. I did use ribbon and cardstock for the backing. I cross stitched it onto linen...not too sure how durable it will be. I probably should have used a vinyl but hey. I started to make one for myself...I should finish that up, so I can use it with all my summer reading!!
Off to work...only 3 more days of school and then no more early mornings for 2 whole months!! Woohoo!!

Thursday, June 17, 2010
{ An old one... }
Surprise! Yup...I am still alive. ;0) Just thought I would do a quick pop-in to say hi. I don't know about the rest of you, but I am soooooo looking forward to summer!! This weather we have been having? It really sucks!! Where is the sun?? I am so sick of cloudy, windy, rainy days!! We had a nice weekend and then poof...it was gone again.
The kids only have one more week of school after tomorrow! No more early mornings...no more gymnastics...no more ballet...2 whole months of freedom...and hopefully between the girls and the dog I don't go insane!! ;0)

Here is an old one that I don't think I ever posted. This was a bday card for my good friend Dianne. She is a HUGH Pooh lover...check out her blog and see her stamproom and you will see what I mean. I also made her something else to go with this. I will see if I can find the pic later and post that too...it was a first for me.
Hope you all have a great weekend. I am hoping to maybe get some stamp time in the next few days...gotta make a Fathers Day card or two and a bday card too...but we will see.

Sunday, June 13, 2010
{ Looking for another Christmas Card Challenge? }
Then head on over to Karen's blog. She has decided to take on my Christmas Card Challenge. However, there will be no prizes...just a fun Challenge. So head on over to Karen's blog to see what she has in store for you all!
Friday, June 04, 2010
{ TCC Winner and a fairwell }
Good morning everyone! First off thanks for being so patient this week. It has been a bit crazy around our household the last 3 weeks. Between hubby's new job, the new dog, end of year ballet season, being sick and my MIL is in the hospital right now...well crazy, ya know? Let's get to this months entries and then for some news.
Merlie - 1 entry
And our non-bloggers...Elaine - 1 entry
And Carol - with 3 entries
Thanks again to everyone for playing along. Now onto my announcement. I have come to a hard decision about this Challenge and my blog. Life is just really crazy right now and I have decided to take a bit of a blogging break and unfortuately that includes the Challenge. I have decided that May will be the last challenge for this year. If there is anyone out there wanting to continue on with the Challenge you are more than welcome to take it over. Just let me know and I will be sure to let everyone know here on my blog. Okay...onto our last winner...drumroll...
Nancy...let me know where you want your $25 gift certificate from and I will get it to you this week!
Again, thanks to everyone for playing along in the challenges and for visiting my blog. I am not giving up blogging completely, but I can guarantee that it will be very sporatic as I think I have only stamped maybe once a month over the past few months. Sad I know, but that is just the way it is right now.
Have a great weekend everyone!
Wednesday, June 02, 2010
{ Back soon }
Just wanted to say that I will get the entries posted up this week...I promise. There is a lot been going on in our house the past week and now I have been feeling really lousy the past few days with some sort of stomach bug. I have not forgotten you all though...promise!
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