Thursday, May 31, 2007
{ Contest is offically closed! }
Ready for another contest?
I had so much fun with this last contest that I have decided instead of doing the 'normal' blog candy giveaways, that I will be hosting a monthly contest. Instead of choosing a winner, I will just do a random drawing of all the was too stressfull choosing winners last time;0) Are you ready for May's giveaway?
I think for May's Happiness like that?...we will be doing any project that showcases your favorite SU Retiring set. That's right you can do any type of project...card, scrapbooking page, altered item, whatever you like, but it MUST include a retiring set from SU. Here is the list of all retiring sets for 2007. All entries must be received by 12:00 pm MST May 31st. I will pick a winner from all entries received on June 1st...whenever I crawl out of bed that morning ;0) Please email your entries with May Happiness Giveaway in the subject line.
As for prizes?? I am gonna keep that one a secret for now...but stay tuned...
Now go stamp something!
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
{ I''ve been tagged! }
Yourself: Tired
Your Partner: Amazing
Your Hair: Crappy
Your Mother: Creative
Your Father: Blank
Your Favorite Item: Stamps
Your Dream Last Night: None
Your Favorite Drink: Water
Your Dream Car: ?
Your Dream Home: Log Cabin
The Room You Are In: Dining Room
Your Fear: Heights
Where You Want To Be In Ten Years: WDW
Who You Hung Out With Last Night: Family
You're Not: Outgoing
One of Your Wish List Items: Developed Basement
The Last Thing You Did: Snack
You Are Wearing: Shorts
Your Favorite Weather: Summer
Your Favorite Book: Davinci Code
Last Thing You Ate: Gold Fish...the crackers!
Your Life: Happy
Your Mood: Frustrated
Your Best Friend: Husband
What Are You Thinking About Right Now: Nap
Your Car: Caravan
What Are You Doing At The Moment: Typing
Relationship Status: Married
What Is On Your TV: Remote
What Is The Weather Like: Beautiful!
When Is The Last Time You Laughed: Today
That was tough! Okay now who to tag...I am sorry if you have been tagged already but here it goes...
* Julie
* Kim
* Rhonda
* Catherine
{ Another Flowabella Creation }
I used the celery SU DP on this one and some red primas to match her hair!
Thanks for stoppin by :0)
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
{ Flowabella Creation }

Thanks for stoppin' by and don't forget you only have a few more days to get your entry in for May's Happiness Giveaway!!
Monday, May 28, 2007
{ Amy's Sunday Sketch Challenge }

I was able to use my new SU 'Wild Rose' set again and the matching 'Recollections' DP that matches. I also, finally, used my Cuttlebug Ribbon slider dies. I have had them for almost 2 months and have yet to actually use them!
The daughter of a lady that my hubby works with(and one of my stampers club ladies) is getting married this weekend. I thought that this card might be perfect to send them some happy wedding wishes.
Thanks for stoppin by :0)
Sunday, May 27, 2007
{ Beate's Sketch Challenge Entry }

It is hard to tell from this photo, but I used my new SU 'Worn Words' background stamp and some new Primas that I picked up on sale at Scrapbookers this week. I could'nt find any paper that I liked for the layering piece, so I just used a few strips of ribbon. It does'nt match exactly, but I think it works. Thanks for the fun sketch Beate! You have the rest of today to get one into Beate...go for it!
Thanks for stoppin' by :0)
Saturday, May 26, 2007
{ Another Bloggers RAK }
And did ya notice? I took this pic outside today! It has been a gorgeous day here in Calgary. Quite the change from the other day, eh? I spent the afternoon under the gazebo mounting my new stampsets in the sun! Ahhhh...
Hope you are having an outstanding weekend!
Friday, May 25, 2007
{ My first One Sheet Box }

Especially with my Scor-Pal!! Check out Diana's tutorial. I got a chance to really use my Scor-pal lastnight and I must say that I really do love it. Doing projects like this are just so much easier and fast with the Scor-pal. You just place your paper on the Scor-pal once and you can make all your score, zip, zip. Love it! I would highly recommend this product to anyone who enjoys making projects with different designs and lots of scoring lines. Be sure to check out the website for more details and get in on the limited time introductory price offer. Trust me, you will not be disappointed!!
I also got a chance to use my new SU Wild Rose stampset. I love it!! I have been wanting it for a long time now and decided it was time. I am so happy I did. It is hard to tell in this photo, but I also tried doing the faux eyelet technique on the holes in my Oval Scalloped punch. I used my Sakura Gel pen on it for a little sparkle.
I received my retired sets that I was wanting yesterday too. I will be doing up a project tonight with one of my favorite retiring sets for my sample for May's Happiness Giveaway. Remember you only have one week left to email me your entries.
Thanks for stoppin' by and have a great day!
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Okay Enough!!
Luckily, most of the trees out here are still fairly new and bendable. Others in the older areas were not so lucky. There was some major tree damage done by this snow. There was one area that people could not get out of this morning due to broken tree limbs on the streets! It is melting now. At least we won't have to water the grass for awhile. ;0)
Since it is Christmas like around here, I thought I would share my final Holiday House Mouse card with you all. I don't actually have these mailed yet...hopefully I don't ruin it for anyone, but I have nothing else new to share with you right now.
You can't tell by the pic on this one, but the red panels I put through my Cuttlebug with the Snowflake embossing folder. I am quite happy with this one. And I got to try out my new Prisma Pencils too!! I am quite enjoying them.
Thanks for stoppin' by and I hope that you are enjoying a much nicer day than we are here in Snowy Calgary!!
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
New Look!
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Check it out!!
More Holiday House Mouse
Worked a little on my Holiday House Mouse swaps again this week. I don't know why I struggled so much with this one. Here is another idea I came up with...although I did 'finally' come up with 'the' one! This is not it...I will share the final one with ya tomorrow ;0)
This one was inspired by a card sketch challenge from SCS(SplitCoast Stampers). You can find the challenge here. I really like this sketch. I am sure I will use this one again.
Well, I am off to finish my House Mouse swap and get it into the mail today!
Thanks for stoppin' by :0)
Friday, May 18, 2007
Holiday House Mouse creators block...

Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Another Hubby Creation!
Here is one of his creations for you...this one he just did for his Mum for Mother's Day/Birthday. She had found a picture of a print she liked and emailed it to him and asked for it for her bday. It looks much better in real life! And on my wall!! ;0)

Thanks for stoppin' by and I hope to have something new for you soon! Everything I am working on right now is for swaps and I don't really want to spoil it for anyone...but I might anyway ;0)
Monday, May 14, 2007
Another one of Hubby's creations!

Sunday, May 13, 2007
Happy Mother's Day!
Also, I just had to share my prezzie from my oldest daughter Emily. She made this at school a few weeks ago when the 'clayforkids' group came to their school. They came back on Wednesday to let the kids paint their creations. Unfortunately, Emily was sick on Thursday and did'nt get to paint hers. She was so disapointed. One of the other girls in her class ended up painting it for her. So when she went back on Friday she gave it to her. I thought she might be upset that someone else finished her project, but she was thrilled! I think she did a great job!! The roses and leaves look awesome.'s a candle holder, cause mommy loves candles so much!

Thanks for stoppin' by :0)
p.s. I totally forgot to thank Nancy for the inspiration for the Mother's Day cards I did. Here is the card Nancy did. Thanks Nancy!
Friday, May 11, 2007

Finally some creative time!!

Thanks for stoppin' by and promise to be more regular with the posts from now on! :0)
Monday, May 07, 2007
Exciting News!
I introduce you to Diana Crick and her wonderful Scor-pal!

Grooves are across the board at different intervals. Besides the normal 1/2" and 1" intervals there are grooves at 2 1/8" for gate fold cards, at 4 1/4" for normal A2 cards, and at 3.666" and 7.333" for brochure folding (divides 11" paper into equal thirds)
When you place your card stock on the scoring surface, you are able to do multiple scores without moving the paper. Grid cards, accordion folds, boxes etc are scored in seconds. The score lines result in crisp, accurate folds!
At the 0 to 1" mark and 11" to 12" mark there are 1/8" markings. By proper paper placement this will allow you to score 1/8 " increments such as 1 7/8"
The included scoring tool snaps into place at the top of the unit. It is always at hand. It has been specially designed to fit the grooves so the card stock can not be torn while scoring.
Perfect tool for straight and diagonal line embossing on cards and scrapbook pages! _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Saturday, May 05, 2007
Tracy Houghton -- [noun]: A person who has the ability to be invisible 'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at |
Friday, May 04, 2007
Is it here yet????

Sorry the pic is so dark, but it is pouring down rain here today and very gloomy :0(
On the up side, I also wanted to share some wonderful RAK's I recieved this week. This first one is from Kimberly. Go check out her blog, she has some great creations and an awesome contest right now! We had emailed each other recently and decided to swap some Bella images. She sent me some Grumpabella's and Javabellas. I would show you but I have already started coloring ;0) Anyway, I just love this card that she sent me. It is gorgeous!! Thanks again, Kimberly. :0)
This second one is from Louise Edwards who is from the SCS RAK group that I belong to. Thank you again Louise this card is so pretty. Hubby 'really' like this one too!

If you belong to SCS you can join this RAK group and then if you also have a blog you can join the SCS Bloggers RAK group. Just too much fun!! I must send out some RAK's of my own this addition to completing my Bella Swaps and my new Holiday House Mouse Swaps!! Yikes...I really need to get my stamproom cleaned up in the next few days!
Thanks for stoppin' by :0)
Check this out!
You Belong in 1964 |
You are a free spirit with a huge heart. Love, peace, and happiness rule - oh, and drugs too. |
Thursday, May 03, 2007
Check this out!!
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Hey there Sexy!!

The inside says "Lucky You" ;0)
Butterflies and Bug...Cuttlebug that is.
So needless to say I don't have anything new. But I remembered this card...I am pretty sure that I have not put this one up. If I have, just ignore me ;0)

Stamps: Winged Things, Itty Bitty Backgrounds
Paper: Whisper White, Green Galore, Pixie Pink
Ink: Going Grey, Green Galore, Pixie Pink, Whisper White
Accessories: Costco Ribbon, Cuttlebug *Happy Birthday* folder, Sakura Clear Gel Glitter Pen, 3/4" circle punch
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
And the winners are...

Third place goes to...Kristine Breach! Love this DP! Colors are outstanding too!
Now for the rest of the entries...ready to drool some more????

If all of you ladies could please email me your full names and addresses, I would like to send a little something to everyone as a thank you for playing along!! Thank you again...this was so much fun!! Stay tuned I am sure I will be doing something again soon!!