I hope so, cause I have a big announcement today! As some of you may or may not know by now...if you have already been over to Jen's blog today. I am officially taking over Jen's

MONTHLY ALOHA RAK GROUP. Yup, that's right. Now if you are not familar with the Aloha RAK Group you can simply email me and I will send you the complete details...since I am not that computer savy and have not figured out how to get all the details here on my blog, but soon! The sign ups begin today and you have until September 30th to email me with your name and address. I will match up all the RAK'rs for the month and email you with your RAK'n partner on October 1st. Remember...your RAK is to be a handmade item(card). It is totally up to you if you wish to send along other goodies as well, but it is not mandatory. I have been involved with this RAK group, almost from the begining, and it is a fun group. So please, won't you join us?
Have a great day and I look forward to hearing from all you RAK'rs!

Congrats Tracy. I would love to sign up.
Thanks Tracy!!! You are the BOMBALICIOUS!!! I have posted to my blog... be ready for the Tsunami!!
Hi Tracy. Please count me in for the month of October. Thanks! :)
Hi Tracy! I'd love to participate again in October! stampin-de-va.blogspot.com, stampindeva@bellsouth.net
Hi Tracy!
Please count me in!
yo yo yo... Tracy I'm In......
Hi Tracy, I'd like to sign up for October as well. I will email my address to you :o)
Hi Tracy,
Ths is so nice of you to help poor Jen out as she has had such a load to carry. I want to add my daughter to our list as I don't see her name and we help each other out when we sign up for these RAKS..Jayne Converse
Thank you very kindly, Mary
This will be fun I am sure :)
Hi Tracy count me in
Thanks Tracy and Mom!
Yippee This is still going on, Count me in too!
Your so sweet to help Jen out :)
Please count me in for October too!
I emailed you my info... thnx!
xo, margie
It's so great of you to help out and take over for Jen! I think I should try it out!
Hi Tracy,
Would love to join your monthly rak club! Tried to email you via, but it wouldn't work. My email is mushi_pork@hotmail.com
Mushi's Creative Inspirations
Hi Tracy,
Count me in for the October RAK
Thanks for taking over the organization of this great fun swap! Please count me in for October.
Tracy, this is Joy...
here's my email address:
thunda@hawaii.rr.com. thank you!
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