Here we go again! It is time for signups for the November Aloha RAK Group. Once again you will have 1 week to sign up for this RAK Group. All the 'rules' can be found by clicking on the link on the righthand side of my blog. If you would like to sign up, please email me with your FULL name and mailing address. If you were a member last month, please just email me with your FULL name...I will have all your mailing details already. I will be sending out an email with your partners mailing and email address on November 1st. Again your RAK's must be sent out by November 20th at the latest to assure that your partner receives them within the month of the RAK group. You will have until Midnight October 31st to sign up.
Hope you decide to join in for November!!

Hi Tracy! I wasn't able to click on the link to email you but I want to participate in November's RAK...do you still have my info?? xo, Teri
E-mail coming your way! I'll sign-up again for next month!
Hi Tracy
I will sign up again too and so will Mary Bennett
jayne converse
Hi Tracy - I'd like to participate again too! Thanks. ~chris
Hi Tracy...I was in last month and so can I join again...for this month...JOY UYEHARA...thanks so much!
Hey Tracy, I'd love to be in it again :)
I'll email you!
Thnx, xoxo, margie
Is it too late to add me in too.
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