on posting challenges! Here was my take on CFC4...I never did get this posted in time...oh well.
Not much to this one, but I really like the boldness of this sketch.
Hope everyone has a great weekend. The weather has definitely been nice here in Calgary. I can't believe it is November already! Does not feel like it with these mild temperatures and no snow! I just know we will pay for it eventually though.
So has everyone gotten a start on the Christmas shopping yet? I am happy to report that I have and am doing quite well thus far...thank you online shopping!! I am pretty much done my kids already...just the stuff from the Big Guy, getting a good start on my Mom and almost done with my Aunt and Uncle. Just have my hubby, nieces and nephew and MIL to start on. So all in all? I am very happy! I say every year that I want to be done by December 1st and it never happens...well I might actually have a shot this year! Then maybe I can actually get some other stuff done this year for Christmas that I always say I am gonna do, but never get the time to actually do...ie; Christmas baking and making a few giftie items.
Thanks for stoppin' by, have a great weekend and everyone stay healthy!! So much nastiness going around.

Tracy love the layout of this card. It's a great card. Might have to use it for next year's cards. Way to go girl on your shopping. You can do it!!!! I just pulled out my gifts and started wrapping today. I wanted to make sure I have everything. I need one more gift-change of plans and something else for hubby. I'm usually done wrapping by Nov. 1st so I'm a little behind but it'll be done soon. Finished up some tags to go along with the gifts today. Woohoo!!! Have a great weekend!
I am done shopping, except for a couple of friends. I started, but haven't quite finished it yet.... there are four of us who exchange gifts each year, maybe we'll go together and get something a little more extravagant for the recipients this year.
Kids, hubby get money.. they all have their technology and hobbies to save / shop for.
Karen G (BC)
love this layout. great card Tracy!
and yes, I've started Christmas shopping. now i just need to start my Christmas cards
This card looks very familiar. Can't quite put my finger on why.LOL. I love the boldness of this card with the black to make it just pop out at you. Thanks to your challenges I have 60 cards made. Christmas shopping is underway but going very slow despite my needing to get it all posted overseas by the end of this month. Arghh!!!
Nice, bright and bold. All that white space scares the heck out of me though! Fabu on the online shopping...I am off to go look myself!
Aren't those embossing folders great? I used one on my Christmas cards too and then used SU's Dasher as my image. As for shopping, I went online as well, so
I am on my way to completing early.
What a great feeling that is.
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