**another note: Jen has graciously added another $10 to make a total of $25 for littlecs!! **
Since I have not had a challenge all summer long...or any blog candy...and since I was lucky this summer and won 3 or 4 candy giveaways of my own...and since it is my bday on Sunday...it's time for some candy!!
Here's the deal. I want a comment on this post telling me (A) What is missing or what you would like to see more of when it comes to your online stampin'/scrappin' shopping and (B) If you were able to buy 1 item for yourself...money no object...what would it be? I will randomly draw one winner from all the comments on this post and the winner will receive a $15 Gift Certificate for LittleC's Stamps n' Things as well as a little surprise package from myself. Sound like fun? You have until 9:00am October 5th to comment and I will make the draw there after.
As for myself? I would say that that there really isn't anything missing from my online shopping experience...just possibly a Canadian vendor for some of my favorite stamp companies. Dealing with customs and shipping charges from the US and other countries can sometimes be frustrating and expensive. As for my one big item? I would have to say a Cricut Expressions machine or a Laptop!! Just need to win the 35 million tomorrow night and I am set! ;0)

I hate being the first - but oh well. I think if I could buy one thing and price was no object, I'd get new storage furniture for my studio. I have a great room, but it is a hodge-podge of all different kinds of stuff and could really use a facelift to be more attractive and functional to boot. ~chris
Hmmm... I always seem to find what I'm looking for when online shopping - and if I don't I ask - Our fellow bloggers are sooo very helpful :)
I would LOVE to have my own studio/craft room with TONS of storage, space and cool products to play with - I'm still considered quite a newbie so I drool over everything!... and since money is no object, lol, I would throw in a Cricut and Apple laptop too - my room needs everything!!! LOL ;)
One thing I would love to have is my stamping room to be furnished with cabinets and files. I would love for it to look like something from a magazine and of course have all the current FUN tools. When shopping on line I look for bargains and things you can't find in the stores. Thanks for a chance.
Awesome blog candy Tracy. I agree with you about the online shopping, more Canadian vendors carrying MY favorite stamps. As for what I would buy, the complete set of Nestabilities. I've heard their amazing!!
I do most of my stamp/scrap shopping online. My biggest wish- more vendors using PayPal. As for what I would buy- well, I just got a new stamp room, sweet dh just got me a little tv for it, so I guess I'd like a laptop. But I'm afraid if I got one, I might never come out of the stamp room again! :)
I would love to see more quality Canadian vendors with awesome prices for their products... with good shipping costs too. I am tired of paying outrageous shipping.
And if money was no object, right now I'd finish off my stamp room and have it professionally organized and designed... and if there was money left over I'd have an entire set of Sketch markers...
hello...A) I think that I would like to see more "deals" sales that we can get good quality items at really great prices! B) if money was no object...the one thing I would really like to buy is a house for my daughter and I. then I could have my own space for more CRAFTING!!
thanks so much for all you do!
Hi Tracy
Thanks again for hosting the October RAK! If I could buy anything I would buy my mom a plane ticket to Germany so she could visit my brother who she hasn't seen in more than 10 years. I would like these craft companies to make it easier for people to buy things no matter what country they live in, and if a company makes an item for one country it should be available for every country where their merchandise is sold.
Oh Goodie!!! How FUN!!! I like to have FREE shipping.... LOL!! But know that shipping can also be a pain when shipping to and from Hawaii. I try and give the best shipping rates possible. As for what I want if money was no object... MAIDS to help me clean my house!!!!
Tracy, I'll throw in $10 more for your gift certificate.... upping your prize to $25.... so let your readers know!!!
I would love to see what products you like to use or not use :)!
Then as for me buying something/anything at all if money was no object. I would have to say a better storage system for my crafty area, or perhaps just TONS of stamps :)!
I would have to say that if money was no matter then I would definitely too buy a cricut! :D OMg. I see that one challenge blog using the cricut... and I am like... *drool* I wanna play too!
And... One thing that is missing? Well... I would have to say that there are so many awesome canadian manufacturers I wish that some people in the US would carry more of their offerings... like you said... shipping is ridiculous! But also I wish that more online shops would carry pink paislee and daisy bucket! :D
wow in my dream world I would have a totally organized craft room does that count for one thing all the handy drawers and spaces to store my stuff would be cool thanks for chance to win...I also think I want a cricuit and a scorpal and oh no!!! now I really am in dream world mode...okay thanks for chance to win
I would love to get a Bind'It machine.
I do like to order online but wish shipping was a little less. Sometimes the shipping is more than the merchandise.
Linda Peterson
i would love to see more ideas on what to do with some of the items - some already have that feature, but most do not...might tempt me to buy it...i would 'buy' myself a spa day...not the most expensive thing in the world, but time to reflect, relax, rejuvenate! thank you!
Hi Tracy! Great give-away!
I would say one thing I'd like to see in an on-line store would be a one-stop-shop. So many times its hard to find a store that carries everything you're looking for at once. Makes shipping cheaper that way!
If I could buy anything paper craft wise... hmmm, I'd say a Cricut or ScorPal (i know, not that expensive but i'm on an extreme budget!)!
I love the convenience of shopping online, but, hate the shipping cost to Hawaii. We're the 50th state, but, get charged "over seas" rates just cuz the stuff has to travel over water. Junk!
The one thing I would buy would have to be 2 things for the price of one...new homes for my parents & in-laws. Cuz' my family crashes their house all the time!
I love to shop online for stamps and other craft goodies. However, what is missing is the free shipping no matter how much you spend. Shipping I feel is almost always very expensive.
If money was no object I would purchase a bigger house or add on to my house. Right now each of my kids have their own bedroom, but my craft stuff and desk is in my daughter's room. It would be great to be able to have two more rooms so that I could have a craft room and my kids can have a play room. The family room is their play room at this time.
I love to shop online for stamps and other craft goodies. However, what is missing is the free shipping no matter how much you spend. Shipping I feel is almost always very expensive.
If money was no object I would purchase a bigger house or add on to my house. Right now each of my kids have their own bedroom, but my craft stuff and desk is in my daughter's room. It would be great to be able to have two more rooms so that I could have a craft room and my kids can have a play room. The family room is their play room at this time.
I love to shop online for stamps and other craft goodies. However, what is missing is the free shipping no matter how much you spend. Shipping I feel is almost always very expensive.
If money was no object I would purchase a bigger house or add on to my house. Right now each of my kids have their own bedroom, but my craft stuff and desk is in my daughter's room. It would be great to be able to have two more rooms so that I could have a craft room and my kids can have a play room. The family room is their play room at this time.
Hi Tracy!
I discovered your blog thru Jen's! Thanks for a chance to win some terrific goodies and Happy Birthday wishes to you this Sunday!
In answer to your questions...
If money wasn't an object, I would have my own craft room custom built!
The majority of places that I shop on-line have basically what I WaNt and the service is great!
If money were no oject I would build a custom stamping hut in my back yard or add a custom room on to my house.
As for shopping online I would love to see free shipping from more companies. Some companies have very reasonably priced items but then seem to gouge on shipping.
I would love to see more inks, embellies and stamps at great prices with awesome shipping rates :) And I'd definitely want to get myself a new laptop! Ooh, and all the Copics in the world! :P Thanks!
bunnybx at gmail . com
Hi Tracy!
I was blog hopping and found your blog thru Jen's! Thanks for sharing your expertise so freely it is really appreciated. Thanks for a chance to win some terrific goodies and Happy Birthday wishes to you this Sunday!
In answering your questions
If money wasn't an object, as others have already stated a custom built craft room.
I love looking at on-line shops and blogs. I spend too much time blog hopping and finding new techniques but i am not getting my own crafts done. I would love to purchase some of the awesome stamps that are available in USA & CA that we don't have in Australia and I would love to purchase all the nestabilities, I think they are a necessity, but I know these wishes will never happen.
Some of the cards and projects are missing some of the minor details that do make a difference in making the project, I would like to see these added. If money were no object I would own " ALL "the additions to my Just Rite Stamper.
I have to agree with you Tracy. I would like to see more Canadian
distributors of those great companies we find stateside. Postage is horendous. As for what
I would like to have. It would be
a total storage thing with right
sized drawers for everything and
cupboards and crafting shelves for
whatever takes your fancy. And knowing where everything is.
Hi Tracy. If I could have one wish for online shopping it would be for more Canadian crafty sites carrying stuff from worldwide companies with cheaper shipping. If I could buy one thing, money no object, I would have to agree with you, it would be the new Cricut!
Oh well, I can dream. CJ :)
Hi Tracy!
Thank you for the the opportunity to win some blog candy!
I enjoy online shopping for crafting supplies, I wish more of these on line shopping sites would have tutorials, galleries & message boards like at 2ps.
And if money was no object, I would definitely opt for a housekeeper to come in once a week so I could craft my heart away free of guilt!
Hi Tracy! I'm bummed that I missed the JT rak this month, been busy playing catch up!
I agree with Jen....free shipping or flat rate shipping would be good, especially for us Hawaii people, we pay premiums for shipping!! If money were no object, I would love a house of my own, otherwise, a bigger stamp room where I could hold my classes - maybe we can be comfy in a/c! xo, Teri
Mmmmmm, blog candy and it's not Halloween yet!
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