Monday, July 09, 2007

{ Tagged again...different one this time }

I know that I have been tagged a few more times and apologize, but I had such a hard time thinking of the first 7 things I could'nt do it again ;0)

This one is different though. I have been tagged by Nancy. I am suppose to 'toot' my own horn and give you 7 good things about myself...hmmm...well...hmmm...

1. I have been over weight most of my life. After the birth of my second daughter I decided enough was enough and I had to do something. I joined Weight Watchers Online and 1 year and 1 month later I was down 85 pounds. I was very proud of myself and it really was not that difficult for me. I have lost my focus over the past few years, but with the help of a special friend, Kim, I am determined to regain that focus and loose these extra pounds that have started to creep back up again!

2. I was given the opportunity to work with a wonderful lady, Diana Crick, over at the Scor-Pal Website as one of their Guest Instructors. I had never written a tutorial before, but think it turned out quite well and very thrilled with the opportunity.

3. I think that I am a pretty good Mom...could be better, but can't we all, really?

4. I can be pretty creative when I want to be....I think.

5. My Ginger Cookies are pretty darn good.

6. I am a pretty giving person.

7. I have a pretty good sense of humor...although at times pretty dark ;0)

Okay that was really tough!! I think I have been sitting here for more than 30 or 40 minutes now!! I know pretty lame...

Okay...everyone has probably been tagged already, but here we go...

*Laura - SSQ
* Sacha


Maria said...

Congratulations Tracy on being a guest instructor at Scor-pal! I'm a guest instructor too! My tutorial is on "Project 2" and in "Box Galore". Diana is such a nice lady.

I look forward to your tutorial!

Thank you for your encouraging words regarding my attempt to lose weight. You don't know how much it means to me to read them.

Maybe we should get people together and blog our progress! It really helps to go public. . .it may encourage others to lose weight as well as keep ourselves on track. What do you think? I'll suggest it on my stamping blog site. We can all share what works and what don't work.


Anonymous said...

Wow, Tracy, that's awesome that you've lost that much weight! You're my inspiration! I always seem to hit a huge plateau and can't get past losing 30lbs. So isn't WW just portion control too? That's the whole trick, plus exercise. Thanks for the motivation!